IF a refund is needed, please allow up to 90 days. Cancellations are rare but in the event they do happen, business must inform within 14 days with written notice.
December 4th - 9th 5 nights!
ALL this is valued at over $4,900 and you’ll get the whole weekend for $2,024!
If you need to do split payments, you can reserve your spot for $424 then make 4 payments of $400 before November 4th, just use the discount code “424Retreat” at checkout!
We’ve also made an option to pay in 2 parts at $1,212 each using the code “1212Retreat” OR feel free to pay in full if you’re able. We want to make all are Retreats accessible to everyone.
If you choose to split your payments, you’ll receive an invoice 30 days after you reserve your space for the following payment and they will reoccur bi-monthly until paid in full. This gives you the opportunity to pay the rest at your convenience instead of being charged automatically.
Details including address and itinerary will be sent after you book. But… GET EXCITED!!!
December 4th - 9th 5 nights!
ALL this is valued at over $4,900 and you’ll get the whole weekend for $2,024!
If you need to do split payments, you can reserve your spot for $424 then make 4 payments of $400 before November 4th, just use the discount code “424Retreat” at checkout!
We’ve also made an option to pay in 2 parts at $1,212 each using the code “1212Retreat” OR feel free to pay in full if you’re able. We want to make all are Retreats accessible to everyone.
If you choose to split your payments, you’ll receive an invoice 30 days after you reserve your space for the following payment and they will reoccur bi-monthly until paid in full. This gives you the opportunity to pay the rest at your convenience instead of being charged automatically.
Details including address and itinerary will be sent after you book. But… GET EXCITED!!!
IF a refund is needed, please allow up to 90 days. Cancellations are rare but in the event they do happen, business must inform within 14 days with written notice.